Working time. This test shall be conducted in a 23oC � 2oC room. A water bath shall be adjusted to and maintained at the working range temperature of the compound (see Table I). A 30 � 2 gram sample of the impression compound shall be placed in the water bath and warmed for a period of 15 minutes. The warm sample shall then be removed from the water bath and worked (knealed) in wet hands for 15 seconds. The sample shall be removed from the water bath again and work (knealed) in wet hands until it loses plasticity, or proper working consistency, and can no longer be molded by finger pressure. The total elapsed time from final removal from the water bath to the loss of plasticity is the working time.
Weight. The weight of the impression material shall be determined using a suitable balance.
Metric products. Products manufactured to metric dimensions will be considered on an equal basis with those manufactured using inch-pound units, provided they fall within specified tolerances using conversion tables contained in the latest revision of FED-STD-376, and all other requirements of this commercial item description are met. If a product is manufactured to metric dimensions and those dimensions exceed the tolerances specified in the inch-pound units, a request shall be made to the contracting officer to determine if the product is acceptable. The contracting officer has the option of accepting or rejecting the product.
Contractor certification. The contractor shall certify and maintain substantiating evidence that the product offered meets the salient characteristics of this Commercial Item Description, and that the product conforms to the producers� own drawings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance prior to first delivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions of the contract.
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